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“Now, therefore, you are no longer strangers and foreigners, but fellow citizens with the Saints and members of the household of God, having been built on the foundation of the Apostles and Prophets, Jesus Christ Himself being the Chief Cornerstone, in whom the whole building, being fitted together, grows into a Holy Temple in the Lord, in whom You also are being built together for a dwelling place of God in the Spirit.” ~ Ephesians 2:19-22

The Coptic Orthodox Church worships GOD in continuity with the earliest Church, and as such is one of the oldest Churches. It is a Church of Balance: between the Mystical and the Real; between Spirituality and Theology; between Worship and Service of Humanity.


Everything is in Balance, otherwise known as “Right Worship” (Orthodox). It is not a denomination, but rather “pre-denominational”. It is not a religion - but rather a Life and Practical Living with GOD through Our Lord Jesus Christ.


The Coptic Orthodox Church worships GOD in “Spirit and Truth” and dynamically incarnates that Truth in every age (from Generation to Generation) – Empowering All people from all walks of life to Love GOD, others, and themselves.


By the Grace of GOD, the Saint Mark & Saint George Coptic Orthodox Church - strives and aspires to serve All of God's Children.


The Vision of the Church, is in keeping to the Orthodox Christian Faith as lived and entrusted once for all - to the Saints and as lived and experienced by the Coptic Orthodox Church throughout her history spanning over two millennia.


Saint Mark & Saint George Coptic Orthodox Church exists for the Glory of GOD - the Father, as witness to His Son and in the fellow-ship of the Holy Spirit.


This is actualised through Faith and Works, and the spiritual formation of the Faithful who are called to Love and Serve - One Another in Jesus Christ Our Lord.

  1. Faith in, and Witness to the Holy Gospel - as experienced and lived by the Coptic Orthodox Church.

  2. To articulate this faith to those within the Coptic Orthodox Community and all those outside of it.

  3. To Keep & Teach the “Unchanging Faith” of the Holy Apostolic & Universal Church, from then to this present age.

  4. To Live by Faith and Works in Our Lord & Saviour - Jesus Christ.

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