The Late Fr. Bishoy Wassef
The Late - Thrice Blessed, Very Reverend Father Bishoy Wassef

The Late, Thrice Blessed
Very Reverend Fr. Bishoy Wassef
Called to Priesthood: 8th August 2015
Called to Heaven: 10th October 2023
Life Journey of the Late Fr. Bishoy Wassef
Born on the 28th of August, 1955 - as Samy Wassef in the Great City of Alexandria, Egypt, to parents Fayez and Aida. Samy was the third eldest of 9 siblings. He attended primary school in Moharram Bay and then graduated from Amir El Bahr High School. Throughout his education, Samy was an incredibly hardworking and diligent student.
In high school, Samy graduated as the number one student overall, surpassing even his own expectations. Samy went on to attend the University of Alexandria at the Faculty of Medicine. During his time at the University, Samy's mother passed away in 1979, leaving him largely to care for and be responsible for his younger siblings.
Samy from a very young age was a meek and humble student of the One & Holy Apostolic Orthodox Church - being a disciple and servant of the Beloved Late & now canonized Saint Fr. Bishoy Kamel, his Namesake.
By the age of 22, Samy had read the Holy Bible in its entirety twice - committing to reading it at least once a year. In 1979, Samy successfully graduated from the University of Medicine and began his career in as a Doctor in Upper Egypt.
Throughout his time, Samy was a Doctor loved by all his colleagues and patients. Samy continued to practice medicine and returned home to Alexandria, Egypt - to be close to his family.
On the 15th of February 1987, Samy married the Love of his Life - Rita Hanna, surrounded by their family. In 1988, Samy & Rita had their first son, Peter, born in Alexandria, Egypt - before relocating to Benghazi, Libya to continue his medical career.
In Benghazi, Samy's service in the Church began to flourish, serving with Fr. Paula. It was also at this time that it was first suggested to Samy that he be ordained as Priest. Samy, Rita and Peter were then joyous for the birth of their children Andrew and John (twins) in February 1989.
In 1994, the family relocated back to Alexandria, Egypt - where Samy established his medical practice, again loved by all who came in contact with him. In February 1996, Samy along with Rita and their three sons moved to Christchurch, New Zealand. Samy was instantly loved by the congregation, and his love of the Church grew deeper. Samy was elected to the Church committee and regarded highly by all his peers.
During Samy's service with Father Sourial in New Zealand, it was again suggested that he be ordained a Priest. For the next three years, Samy continued to study hard to ensure he passed his exams and successfully gained his first job as a Doctor admitted to the Medical Board of New Zealand in 1999.
Samy and his family relocated to Dunedin, NZ - where he continued to work, study and worship. Throughout the next few years, Samy was successful and defied all odds to complete his medical fellowship - becoming a highly regarded and specialised treating Nephrologist in New Zealand.
Throughout his time in Dunedin, Bishop Sourial suggested again to Samy to heed the calling of the Priesthood several times; however it was not his time yet. In 2010, Samy & Rita moved to Toowoomba, Queensland - where he setup his medical practice as a physician.
Samy was loved by all his patients and staff during this time, with plenty of patients only wanting to be treated by him as being one of a few highly sought after specialists in his field. His patients spanned from local to interstate to international locations wanting to be seen and treated by him.
Finally, in 2015 - Samy was suggested again to become a Priest to serve in Queensland with the Diocese of NSW & affiliated regions under the guidance and hospice of H.G. Bishop Daniel.
In 2015, Samy finally felt that it was time for him to give up his medical practice and career and take up the Blessed Calling of the Priesthood.
On the 8th of August 2015, Samy was ordained as Father Bishoy Wassef to serve the Coptic Orthodox Church upon the Altar of Saint Mark & Saint George in Strathpine.
Father Bishoy then spent his first 40 days as Priest in the Monastery of Saint Mina where he received the orders of the Priesthood and the Body & Blood of Jesus Christ, conducting his first ever Liturgy with the Blessed Anchorite & Monk Father Raphael Ava Mina.
Father Bishoy then returned to Australia where he began his service to the congregation all over Queensland, Australia - whilst serving the poor, sick, needy, destitute and homeless.
Father Bishoy's Love for the Church and the congregation was unsurpassed. He was never happier throughout his years than he was when he was serving his beloved congregation.
In 2019, Father Bishoy was then diagnosed with Cancer and he began his treatment journey whilst enduring years of chemotherapy. Although in sever pain and weakness from his vast treatments, Father Bishoy would never let this interfere with service, even conducting his beloved bible studies from his hospital bed. In August 2022, Father Bishoy was then ordained Hegomen by the Blessed Bishop Daniel and he continued to serve his congregation.
Father Bishoy's cancer treatments continued into 2023 when he received the news that it was terminal. Throughout all his health battles, Father Bishoy never complained or was disgruntled but HE ALWAYS THANKED GOD, assuring all who came in contact with him that he was fine and supported by Our Lord Jesus Christ.
Feeling his time was coming to and end, Father Bishoy could not bare the thought of leaving his beloved congregation and Church without a Priest to continue the service and what he started.
In September of 2023, Father Boutros (Peter) was ordained to serve as the Parish Priest of Saint Mark & Saint George Church. Father Bishoy then began to feel that his service was becoming complete.
During his last couple of months on this earth, Father Bishoy refused to let his ailing health come between him and his service. Although feeling weakened and unable to breathe, he was gleeful and always excited to continue to pray at every Holy Liturgy and prayed with intensity and fervour as he had always done.
Father Bishoy would keep his loving service to his beloved congregation till his very last, whilst conducting his final and last Holy Liturgy on Wednesday, 4th of October 2023.
Father Bishoy was happy to tell Tasoni (Sister) Rita - His Wife, that he had finally prayed his very last mass at His Beloved Church and was ready for what was to come. Even from his hospital bed to his very last breath, Father Bishoy was surrounded by his beloved Fathers the Priests of Queensland around his bed, conducting Bible Study and reading of the Holy Psalms.
On the 10th of October, 2023 at 08:30am - the Very Reverend Father Bishoy Wassef passed away peacefully in his sleep, surrounded by his family.
Father Bishoy passed away on the 29th of Kiahk, the Gospel reading of the day was of the 5 Wise Virgins, which was also the same Gospel reading on the date of his Ordination into the Priesthood. Father Bishoy Wassef is survived by his wife Tasoni (Sister) Rita and his sons Peter, Andrew & John.
His memory will always stay in Our Minds and Hearts forever.
Father Bishoy was Truly a Father by every Measure and all who came across his Path in Life - were left for the better.
May he always Pray for Us before the Holy Throne of Grace - Our Lord & Saviour Jesus Christ.
Father Bishoy Wassef - Our Very Own Church Patron & Father in Heaven who prays for Us all continually.
Glory Be to the Father, Son & Holy Spirit Forevermore... Amen.​