Fr. Bishoy Wassef - Funeral Schedule
✥ ✥ ✥ “Blessed is the Man You Choose, and cause to approach You, that he may dwell in Your Courts” (Ps 64:4) Beloved, on Saturday the...

Repose of The Very Reverend Fr. Bishoy Wassef
✥ ✥ ✥ Our Father Bishoy... you have fought the good fight... please remember us before the Holy Throne of Grace... that we your children...

Priesthood & Deacon Ordination
Ordination to Priesthood & Deacon + In the Name of the Father, Son & Holy Spirit + With the Grace of God and the Blessings of H.H. Pope...

COVID-19 Restrictions - Latest Update
Latest COVID-19 Updates Due to the recent announced cases in Queensland - extra restrictions have now been put in place for the movement...

Fr. Daoud Lamei - QLD 2017
FR. DAOUD LAMEI QLD Spiritual Conference - 2017 For all enquiries & bookings, please contact your local Church representative.